Wednesday, December 2, 2020



There are a lot of movies out there themed around this time of year. It’s positively overwhelming. And despite my busy schedule of traditional viewings, I try to squeeze in a couple each year that I’ve never seen before. However, there are a few that I always intend to watch that I just never get around to. Some of them are considered essential classics that I’m a little embarrassed to admit I’ve never seen. Others are a little lesser-known and therefore always unfairly get put on the back-burner. A few are simply recent (one extremely recent) additions to the pile that I just haven’t gotten to yet. Whatever the reason, I’m left with a small batch of stuff that I’m dying to watch. I’m going to do my very best to make this the year that I do so. Ideally, this post will keep me accountable.

They are…

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