Sunday, May 17, 2020

a countdown

by Hunter Jon

I love a lot of bad movies. And I don’t mean ones that I believe to be so-called ‘underrated’. I mean movies that I am extremely aware are awful. They’re undeniably bad and I either enjoy them for that very reason or in spite of it. It’s not always a case of something simply being so bad that it’s good, as they say. Sure, I’ve had a good time laughing at laughable movies, but I’ve also laughed along with bottom of the barrel comedies, enjoying the solid humour and forgiving how incredibly poor literally every other aspect is. Other times I’ll admire a movie’s scrappy, spit-and-glue spirit, as if those behind it knew what they were doing was sub-par but marched on anyway. Or I’ll find myself charmed by the earnest and valiant attempt made by all involved and can’t help but smile throughout the entire epic fail. Then there are those instances of just staring gobsmacked at the absurdity and insanity of what’s unfolding in front of you, totally shocked and in awe that what you’re watching actually exists. Sometimes it’s even as simple as a really bad movie not actually being all that bad. Whatever the reason, I’ve seen some terrific terrible movies over the years. Let’s call them terrifible. They’re wildly entertaining and most days I’d rather watch one of them than an actual good movie.

Here are my forty four favourites…

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