Saturday, April 18, 2020


by Hunter Jon

I’m not sure what people call the decade that just ended. But it’s over now. It has been for months. So it’s most definitely a little late to list my favourite movies from it, but I’m going to anyway. Before I do, though, I must say - it’s very rare that I see a movie I consider to be brilliant. Sometimes a whole year will go by and I haven’t seen one movie that I truly love. So when I do I get excited to say the least. I’ll inevitably label it a masterpiece and it will go on to hold a very special place in my movie-going history. And, while making this list, I was delightfully surprised to find more movies on it than I had anticipated. I guess I had a better time at the movies this past decade than I remember. And that’s quite a nice thing to be reminded of. I should point out that I didn’t even come close to seeing every single movie released in the last ten years, naturally. These are just the much beloved masterpieces out of everything I did happen to see. So here they are - my absolute favourite movies of, uh… let’s just call them the twenty tens. That can’t be right, though. Whatever. Here’s the list…

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